Friday, April 12, 2013

"L"ollygag, "L"anguish, "L"azy or What Makes Sitting Around Okay

Lollygaging, Languishing or Lazy. All three have been used to describe me at one point or another in my life. Usually by my mother. I am still apparently guilty of these. Mostly because I'm not terribly concerned with keeping my house spotless. It is clean enough, no science projects in either the sink or fridge. Dishes are done a few times a day, though him does a good percent of them. He can't stand dishes in the sink or the dish drain. I told him if they bother him, do them. He does. Him is obsessive about doing laundry, he will run a load for a pair of pants, two shirts and a few pairs of sock. I do my own laundry because he likes to wash towels with anything and he shrinks my clothes. Sometimes they shrink themselves hanging in the closet. I can't blame him for that. I should mop the floors more often because the dog brings in stuff... specifically mud, wood and rocks. He brings in rocks. In his coat, in his paws, in his mouth. That's awesome, I tell ya. The bed is made every day, with travel blankets up over the top third of the bed so dog doesn't get his feet or his butt on my pillows. *shudder* Vacuuming is the bane of my existence. I do it, but not as often as I should. And we've already established that I don't dust, except in my office. I can't abide dust in here.

There's lazy and there's lazy... There's not doing anything, ever... and doing chores when they require your attention. Then there is compulsive cleaning. I would like a compulsively clean house, but not enough to actually make it that way. I have other things to do. I like to sit, watch TV now and then, while I'm knitting/crocheting/tatting/stitching/or reading. So I'm not totally lollygagging, I'm actually doing something while I am languishing in the chair in my office.

There is some compulsive behavior in not being able to just sit and watch TV without something in my hand. But that's the way I am, I always have been. My mom sure didn't see it that way. She just labeled me lazy because I didn't like doing the dishes, or vacuuming. It took me a while to realize I wasn't lazy, I am just more creative than my mother thought I should be. She thought my dad was lazy too but that was before she learned how to lollygag herself which turned into her very definition of lazy. This did not happen until she was much older than I am now. I will give her that.

I am not bothered by friends who think I don't keep a clean enough house. Not that any of them would dare to tell me such a thing. It is clean. It is clean enough. They are the compulsive ones, I am the creative one... I would rather be lollygagging with a project in my hand that on my knees scrubbing the kitchen floor every other day.

Are you a lollygager, languisher or proudly lazy?

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