Monday, April 22, 2013

Virtue or What I Strive For Everyday

There are vary virtues. Mr. Webster defines it as:

1. the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
2. any admirable quality or attribute
3. morality with respect to sexual relations
4. a particular moral excellence

The following is a list of the virtues I am striving to achieve in my life.

Temperance is a virtue. The ability to control the need for instant gratification.
Good temper is a virtue. The ability to not only not get angry, but to be happy while you live this life.
Ambition - self-control regarding one's goals
Contentment - self-control regarding one's possessions and the possessions of others; acknowledgement and
Courage - being able to do what is right no matter the situation.
Patience - being patient is not like there having a bucket to hold your patience in. You don't empty it and run out of patience. We have all the patience in the world, if we choose to exercise it.
Persistence - this is the stick to it virtue. Finish what you start and start what you will finish.
Fair-mindedness - be fair. be happy when someone else succeeds Give yourself the same fair mindedness, whether you win or lose.
Tolerance - the ability to accept that others make choices or live their lives differently. Accept it and move on
Honesty - be honest in all that you do. I don't think this applies telling your friend that dress makes her butt look big and that you hate it. Of course this depends on the friend.
Respect - everyone deserves respect. There should be no room in our hearts to be mean and hateful to anyone you come in contact with.
Self respect - respect for ourselves. To stay true to our convictions and forgiving ourselves when we forget this virtue..
Kindness- there is no reason we can't be kind to everyone we meet. It doesn't mean we have to sit and break bread with the dirty, scary homeless guy, but we don't have to treat him with disgust and disregard when we see him. Life is already hard enough.
Kindness - play nice. We will be better for it.
Generosity - help those who have less. Even if you have little ourselves. Give what you can when you can.
Forgiveness - the ability to get over it. Let it go. In the grand scheme of things there is little that will matter in five months let alone five years.
Compassion - compassion and empathy go hand in hand. The ability to see the struggles and pain someone is going through. And to feel their sorrow.

These are not intended to be commentary on anyone except myself. This is not a comprehensive list by any means. These are some virtues I want. I want to be less judgmental. I want to learn forgiveness better. More patience is critical with a three year old around. I have advanced from a bucket to a Rubbermaid tub to hold my patience in.

Virtues are the things we strive for. Things that will make us kinder, gentler and better people. The more virtues we are able to incorporate into our daily lives while not have to be conscious of trying to exercise a virtue, but have it be a natural action or reaction, the happier we will be and the happier those around us can be.

I want to be virtuous. I want people to want to be around me. I want people to know my word is gold. I have a long way to go but...I've come a long way.

What virtues are you striving for?


  1. My patience can fill up a whole TEASPOON now!!! ;) I love that you covered virtues and didn't sequester poor virtue under "chastity"--We have to keep reinforcing the virtueS to our kids because sometimes at Church people focus only on that one virtue!
    Excellent post!!!

    1. Thanks Lisa. I can't imagine all the patience challengers you have right now!
